Splitter 2 Walkthrough. If you like Splitter by Karataev, then you might also like Splitter 2, same author. In this game, there are numerous ways to solve each level. The objective is to reach the brown exit and collect stars on the way. Split boxes, woods, and other objects to exit. You might want to check out the Splitter 2 Walkthrough below.

Play Splitter 2

Splitter 2 Walkthrough

Levels 1-16

Levels 17-32


YoVille Waterballoon Hacks. If you want to know how to do a water balloon hack in YoVille. You might want to check this video I found in youtube from yovillehackes. Note that you need WPE Pro (Winsock Packet Editor Pro). Watch the YoVille Waterbaloon Hack below. Please post a comment if the hack is helpful, I might try it as well like the YoVille Money Cheats.

YoVille Waterballoon Hack


YoVille Money Hacks. Are you hooked in YoVille like some of my friends are? If you are looking for YoVille Money Hacks, then you might be. You might be looking for a way to earn money easily to buy furnitures, clothes and other items. This game is like The Sims except that you play with your friends in Facebook, meaning you can interact with your friends.

Anyway, I found some YoVille Money Hacks that might be helpful to you. I haven't tried it though. Check out the YoVille Money Cheats below and please post a comment if it is helpful, thanks.

YoVille Money Hacks


Warp Shot Walkthrough. A point and click sports game from Armor Games. Warp through portals to the goal! Use your surroundings and gravity to move through gateways and beat each level by par. Aim carefully and strategically!

Play Warp Shot

Warp Shot Walkthrough

Levels 1-15

Levels 16-30


Sorority Life Hacks. Like fashion, parties, shopping??? Then you might want to try Sorority Life, a Facebook Application where you can live the fabulous life! Shop shop shop and pay for it by getting a job. Sorority Life is a really cool game where you can customize your avatar. There are also fun and interactive glam games.

I found Sorority Life Hacks from djpyroaiken from youtube. According to him, the Sorority Life hack automatically does "social events" when you have the energy to do so, and automatically takes the money and banks it rather than leaving it as cash on hand. It automatically fights people, based on their house size (mob size) and automatically heals you and stuff.

Play Sorority Life

Sorority Life Hacks


Farmville is another game in Facebook like Farm Town where you plant and grow your farm. The most important thing to do is to make money and earn xp points top level up. To earn xp points, plow and buy trees, animals, buildings, decorations. Also help your neighbors and their gardens to gain more points in Farmville. Then when your crops are ready to harvest, sell them to earn money!

Play Farmville


Potty Racers Walkthrough. A game by, Potty Racers is a great action game. Porta Potty + Hill + Wheels = Insanity! Its the stinkiest race in town, baby! Upgrade your poo shack until you pwn your filthy competition! The crashes are brutal, though... Check out the video walkthrough of Potty Racers below.

Play Potty Racers

Potty Racers Walkthrough


Good Luck, Monjiro! Walkthrough. An escape the room point and click game by Usawanhouse. Try to play using internet explorer, tried it in firefox and it doesn't work. A text and video walkthrough of Goodluck Monjiro! available below.

Play Good Luck, Monjiro!

Good Luck, Monjiro! Walkthrough

For the text walkthrough check - comment #120


Evolver Walkthrough. If you like Life Ark 3 then you might also like this point and click game from Your objective is to evolve your monkey into a modern human being. A video walkthrough of Evolver available below.

Play Evolver

Evolver Walkthrough


Obama Potter and the Magic Coin Walkthrough. This is an adventure point and click game by inkagames. If you want a text and video walkthrough of the game, check it out below. Thanks to Prid for the very helpful walkthrough.

Play Obama Potter and the Magic Coin

Obama Potter and the Magic Coin Walkthrough

* Act 1 - Getting Started *

Recent Location: [The First Room]

1. Click Right-Arrow To Go Right

2. Once Again, Go Right!

3. And For The Last Time, Go Right Again Until You Are Where The Portrait of A Fat Lady is

4. She Won't Let You In, Because You Can't The Password! If you talk to the Ghost-Man on the previous Room, he'll tell you that she writes the password on the wall near her! If you look under the Right-Torch, you'll see something black. Click it, and the password will be revealed.

5. Once you've found the password, talk with her again and answer: Michael. Take the Books on The Shelf & Enter the Room!

* Act 2 - Learning Magic *

Recent Location: [Harry's Room]

1. Move The Pillow & Take The Magic Wand! Also, Take the Hammer Under The Bed

2. Take The Ink & The Piece Of Paper on The Table!

3. If You Read The Blue Book, you'll Find A List With Spells! It's very useful, but in this walkthrough I'll just tell you what to choose when the Spell List Pops-Up. I'll write the tems name and then the spell (with Square Brackets) You have to choose: Item - [Spell]! Use Wand On, Heavy Ball - [Accio]. And Also Use Wand On, BroomStick Nimbus 2009 - [Accio]!

4. Use Broomstick On Lion Plaque, The Golden Lion Face On Top Of Wall!

5. Use Wand On, Chest - [Relashio]. Open the Chest & Take The Cloak!

6. Leave The Room!

* Act 3 - Gathering Ingredients *

Recent Location: [Hall - Fat Lady Portrait]

1. Use Cloak and Go Once Right. The reason Why you Have To Use Cloak is because you are not allowed to wander the hallways! Try it yourself without the cloak ;)

2. Go inside the room with the opened door! Once inside, take off the cloak!

3. You'll see a piece of something silver on the floor, right to the table where the Skull-Candle is. It's Tweezers. Take it! Also take "The Ladle", "Vessel With Finger Within", "Little Blue Bottle" & "Feather". Don't Know If "The Strange Substance" is necessary to take. It won't help you in the future, so eiter leave it or take it!

4. Time for Some Magic! Use Wand On, Bucket - [Discendio] & Yellow Skull - [Accio]. Once You're Done With The Magic, Take the Items!

5. Leave The Room!

* Act 5 - The Potion Of Truth *

Recent Location: [Hallway - Guard + Cat]

1. Go Back To The Hallway where the Knight is. And Remember to Use The Cloak When Passing The Guard And His Cat!

2. Once You're There, Use The Golden Lion Head On The Knight's Shield To Put It There! He'll Move Himself. Use Wand On, Door - [Alohomora] & Enter The Room!

3. Use Wand On, Mirror - [Reparo] & Look At The Mirror. Obama Potter will see a Unicorn, Something He Dreamt Of When He Was Young. Use The Tweezer on the Unicorn's Tail to get a piece of it!

4. Go All The Way Back To The Room With The Cauldron. Remeber to use The Cloak When Passing Guard And His Cat! The Room Is In The Same Hallway the Guard And The Cat is, this is a hint for those who don't remember!

5. Once You're There, Pour The Water From The Bucket In The Cauldron. Then Use Wand On, FireWood (It's Under The Cauldron) - [Lacarnum Inflammare] to Light Up The Firewood!

6. Throw The Feather Into The Mix. Then, Use The Hammer on Vessel With The Finger Withing, To Seperate The Finger From The Glass. Throw The Finger Into The Cauldron! And At Last, The Unicorn Hair. If The Smoke Smiles Happily, You've Done it Correctly!

7. Use The Ladle In The Mix, To Get A Bit Of The Potion!

8. Exit The Room!

* Act 6 - Double Trickery *

Recent Location: [OutSide The Room Where The Knight Guarded The Door]

1. Go To Harry's Room & Open The Lower Drawer. Put The Yellow Skullhead Inside it and close it. Then, open the Upper Drawer to get a Chocolate Frog! Use The Ladle With The Potion On The Chocolate To Make The Eater Reveal Everything He Knows!

2. Go Twice Right Until You're In A Hallway with An Elf! And Remember To Use Cloak When Passing The Guard And His Cat. There is An Elf There, We Have To Trick Him, Mohaha! Use Wand On, "The Piece Of Paper" - [Revelum], some text wil appear! Drag The Feather On The Ink to get a Write-able item! Use Feather With Ink On The Piece Of Paper! The Note Says That The Elf's New Master Is, Obama Potter!

3. Click on The Piece Of Paper, and Select: "Deliver"! Then, click on the Elf and Star Talking With Him! When Done, Click On Him & Talk Again! An Option List Appears With Your Respond, Choose: "I Order You To Let Me Through!". He'll Disappear.

4. Use Wand On, Door - [Alohomora]. Once That is Done, Enter The Room!

5. Use Wand On, Mouse - [Animagum Revelum] to Reveal A Person! He knows Volemords' Location, But He Won't Tell anything about it. In order to force him to tell us the location, we have to give him The Chocolate Frog with The Potion! Once he eats it, he'll answer anything!

6. Make Him Tell You Voldemords Location & How To Get There. Once you ask him How To Get There, He'll Give you A PortKey!

7. Once You Have The PortKey In Your Inventory, Click on It To Teleport To Voldemords HQ!

* Act 7 - Obama Power *

Recent Location: [Voldemords HeadQuarters]

1. Use Wand On, Heavy Ball - [Wingardium Leviossa] to Smash The Big Troll Down! Proceed To The Next Battle!

2. Get Ready! Don't Move or You'll Die! Use Wand On, Demmentor - [Expecto Patronum] To Slash Him Into Pieces.

3. Take The CorkScrew From The Skeleton's Arm, The One That Is Attached To The Wall!

4. Use CorkScrew On "Little Blue Bottle" To Open It. Click On It And Choose, "Drink"!

5. Prepare For An Extreme Battle, You Have To Know What Spells You Have To Choose! Proceed To The Next Battle!

* Act 8 - Final Battle / The Battle Of Death *

Recent Location: [Battle With Voldemord]

- If you read the "Spell" & "The Dark Forces" Book, You'll Find Out Yourself How To Defeat Him!

1. When The Timer Stars Running, Use Wand On, Red Skeleton - [Wingardium Leviossa]!

2. Once The Red Skeleton Is Removed From The Arena, Use Wand On, Voldemord - [Expelliarmmus] To Make His Lose Control!

3. When He's Down On The Ground, Use Wand On, Voldemord's Wand - [Lacarnum Inflammarae] To Burn His Wand!

4. Congratulations! You Just Defeated Voldemord And Recovered The Magic Coin!

Obama Potter and the Magic Coin Video Walkthrough


Museum Mystery Walkthrough. A point and click adventure game from If you like Naughty Classroom 2, you will surely like this game. A video walkthrough, solution of Museum Mystery available below.

Museum Mystery Instructions. Use your MOUSE to play. Click on the objects around the game screen to make event happens.Some of the events can be triggered by clicking on two or more different objects.Some objects will get stored in the inventory panel, click on them when you need to use them. Use appropriate items already stored in the inventory when needed.

Play Museum Mystery

Museum Mystery Walkthrough


William and Sly Walkthrough. You might want to try this nice adventure game by Lucas Paakh. Help William fix the teleportation system. Enjoy playing William and Sly! If you need a walkthrough of William and Sly, check it out below.

Play William and Sly

William and Sly Walkthrough


You are playing MoneySeize and got frustrated even though you tried MoneySeize walkthrough and are looking for MoneySeize Hacks? If you are, I found a hack using Cheat Engine 5.5 (you need to download it). Check out the video of how to hack MoneySeize using a cheat engine.

MoneySeize Hacks / Cheats


MoneySeize Walkthrough. Love action games? Then you might want to try Money Seize. This is a difficult action game you can play from A video walkthrough of MoneySeize available below.

Money Seize Description. Sir Reginald MoneySeize II, Esq. must collect coins to fund construction of the tallest tower in the world! Jump through stages ranging from simple to ridiculously difficult in your quest to find all 1010 coins. Use your jump, double jump, wall jump and skid jump to traverse the dangerous terrain of the game’s 50 stages (40 regular, 10 secret).

Play MoneySeize

MoneySeize Tips
For Green Birds, don’t do double jump.
For Yellow Birds, it has a timer, so rush to it quickly with any jumps at disposal.
For Pink Birds, don’t kill/stomp any animals in the same map as Pink Bird

MoneySeize Walkthrough

MoneySeize Secret Level 1

MoneySeize Level 2 Complete 100% Pink Bird

MoneySeize Secret Level 3

MoneySeize Secret Level 6

MoneySeize Secret Level 6 Complete 100% Pink Bird

MoneySeize Room 8 - Bird


Catch the Soldiers Walkthrough. A nice point and click hidden object game. Find the soldiers in the woods - they hide well. A video walkthrough of Catch the Soldiers below.

Play Catch the Soldiers.

Catch the Soldiers Walkthrough


Waiting Room Walkthrough. This is another point and click escape game by Ikutama. There are two endings in this game. Check out the video walkthrough of Waiting Room below.

Play Waiting Room

Waiting Room Walkthrough


Mirror Escape Walkthrough. Another point and click room escape game from escapegames. A text and video walkthrough of Mirror Escape below.

Play Mirror Escape.

Mirror Escape Walkthrough

Going from opening scene and clicking right:
1-bottom of flower vase
2-picture to the left of table (upper left corner of picture-not frame)
3-trash can
4-cabinet on the right
5-bottom of chair (zoomed in)
6-flower pot on wall
7-mirror scene-left side of wall
8-office chair
9-back of tv

source: escapegames24

Mirror Escape Walkthrough


Escape the Unknown Balcony Walkthrough. A Chinese point and click escape game. I haven't tried this game yet but you might like to try it. Escape the room by searching for items and solving puzzles. If you want a complete solution or a walkthrough of Escape the Unknown Balcony, check out the video below.

Play Escape the Unknown Balcony

Escape the Unknown Balcony Walkthrough

Escape the Unknown Balcony Walkthrough


Pirate Peril Walkthrough. A new point and click adventure game, you might like to try this out. If you like some hints, check out the walkthrough of Pirate Peril below.

Play Pirate Peril

Pirate Peril Walkthrough

1-Pick up the hammer and fishing rod- use the hammer on the crack in the wall to get the key- use the key to unlock the door- click on the X
2-Pick up shovel and spinach- click on the X
3-you now have dynamite in your inventory somehow, use it on the log, get wood and beer- use shovel on the left tree, get square thing- Click on the X
4-Use the square thing on the big rock, click on the rock under it- pirate comes out, give him beer, use fishing rod on him, get clippers- click on the X
5-Use hammer on the right tree, use hammer on coconut, get nails- use fishing rod on water, get thing- click on the X
6-Use clippers on the chest, pick up the chest- click on the X, click on the X again

Pirate Peril Video Solution

Pirate Peril Walkthrough


Narrow Room Escape Walkthrough. A point and click game from Text and video walkthrough of Narrow Room Escape below.

Play Narrow Room Escape

Narrow Room Escape Walkthrough

Move left chair, take the key. Open closet above with key, take bowls, notice keyhole on the bottom.
Examine white bolw, notice the code 6319. Turn left, place the red bowl on cupboard in the middle. Open the box in cupboard with code: another code 32 71. Place the red bowl on the left side of cupboard. Take multitool. Examine it by clicking it 5 times. You have a can opener. Take the can from the shelf and open it.
You´ll get a key. Turn left, zoom in table. Look under table and push the button. Look in screen. A code FBRFB. Now combine two codes F3, B2, R, F7, B1.
Open the closet above chairs and use key on bottom of it. Push button. Turn right and zoom in panel. Insert black bowl in box below push buttons 3F 2B R 7F 1B. Open the box below and take the green figure. Examine it and click the right leg: you´ll get the key. Use it and get out.

source: escapegames24

Narrow Room Escape Walkthrough


A Day in High School Walkthrough. A nice point and click adventure game from High school is no longer just books, classes and teachers. Play A Day At High School and help little Matt get through some crazy adventures in his high school. Check out the walkthrough of A Day in High School below.

Play A Day in High School

A Day in High School Walkthrough

1. Fan press, slip falls, click on the curtain

2. Click on a refrigerator, take the bottle and backpack green box next to it

3. Click several times on hand

4. to pen in trousers for boys and then at the counter woman, outraged woman and then turn left on the boys click

5. at 2 Rose click on tray, glasses take up, then lower tray beside Rose click, take a hairdryer, hair dryer on Sims between boys and Mädschen set, powder, then click on Rose

source: escapegames24

A Day in High School Walkthrough


Storeroom Escape Walkthrough. A new Japanese point and click escape game by usawanhouse. Find items and solve items in this Store Room Escape game. There are three possible endings. A video walkthrough available below.

Play Store Room Escape

Storeroom Escape Walkthrough

Three endings
1. Help Me END: Bad End (Mom&boy in the garden)
2. Dream End : Bad End (Mom&boy&dog in the room)
3. THE END : Good End (Boy&dog in the garden)

source escapegames24

Storeroom Escape Walkthrough


Girls Room Escape 8 Walkthrough. The eight in the Girls Room Escape game series from Find 9 letters in order to escape the room. Text and video walkthrough, solution to Girls Room Escape 8 below.

Play Girls Room Escape 8 Walkthrough

Girls Room Escape 8 Walkthrough

G= left side of the bed(you can see it in the normal
view), colour: rose
I= right upper corner of the big picture of the
strawberry, colour: rose
R= normal view in the buttom right corner, colour:
L= window, left upper corner, colour: light blue
S= first small picture(look at the yellow points),
colour: red
R= zoom to the left side of the bed, colour: purple
O= zoom above the pillow, colour: dark blue
O= last small picture, colour: light blue
M= zoom on small box next to the bed(it is to the right), colour: green

source: escapegames24

Girls Room Escape 8 Walkthrough


Fingerprint Specialist 3 Walkthrough. The next in the Fingerprint Specialist series point and click hidden object game from Deogames. Someone has stolen the diamonds. Find all the 10 fingerprints to solve the crime. A text and video walkthrough of Fingerprint Specialist 3 below.

Play Fingerprint Specialist 3

Fingerprint Specialist 3 Walkthrough

- on pen (coffe table)
- on black bottle
- under sofa
- on lamp
- on cupboard (next to sofa, at the knobs)
- on laptop
- upper side of door
- tv stand right side of tv on the handles
- Tv Stand right under TV
- on phone

source: escapes24

Fingerprint Specialist 3 Walkthrough


Funny Construction Site Walkthrough. Yey! A new point and click game from Games2win (Naughty Park, Naughty Classroom, Naughty Gym Class). Bob, Tim and Jack are on a mission! Their favorite park is being torn down to build a swanky new mall and they will not stand it. Help these three brats create havoc on the construction site and stop the work. Point and click on different objects around the construction site to combine them in order to trigger desired events. A text walkthrough of Funny Construction Site below.

Play Funny Construction Site

Funny Construction Site Walkthrough

1. Click red button of crane. Second click so the drips fall on the foodbox = fight
2. click compressor, red brick and cement above.
3. Click telephone and the middle man in blue pants.
4. Click the guys on the left and the tube of the ingenieur
5. Click nails and the red-white panel on the left.
6. Click blue water pipe and when dragged click the pipe on the reservoir.
7. click falling water and the red button.
8. click traffic cones and the cementmixer truck.

source: escapegames24

Funny Construction Site Walkthrough


Rabbit Wants Cake Walkthrough. A new puzzle game from armorgames. The rabbit wants cake! Help it get some cake. 25 levels and several obstacles to get in the way. A video walkthrough of Rabbit Wants Cake below.

Play Rabbit Wants Cake

Rabbit Wants Cake Walkthrough - Normal Mode

Rabbit Wants Cake Walkthrough


Hacivat and Karagoz Walkthrough. This is a new point and click hidden object game by Cengiz Turk. Check out the video walkthrough of Hacivat and Karagoz/Karagöz ve Hacıvat below.

Play Hacivat and Karagoz

Hacivat and Karagoz Walkthrough

Hacivat and Karagoz Walkthrough


Escape from Victorian Room Walkthrough. Another escape game by escapegames. In this game, collect items and use them to escape the room. A video walkthrough of Escape from Victorian Room below.

Play Escape from Victorian Room

Escape from Victorian Room Walkthrough

Escape from Victorian Room Walkthrough


Serial Killer Part 3 Walkthrough. A new point and click escape game from The Serial Killer continues his awful job of detaining others. This time, it’s you! The serial killer locks you in a room, where a person is detained already. The detained person’s health status is yet to be revealed. The serial killer has hidden some clues and objects in the room. You will have to find and use those objects to escape from the room. A video walkthrough of Serial Killer 3 Escape available below.

Play Serial Killer Part 3

Serial Killer Part 3 Walkthrough

Serial Killer Part 3 Walkthrough


Deamons, a game by A game by It is an adventure role playing game. Try this game and you might like it!

Daemons Description. Who would've thought you'd miss your parents, or that you'd count on the help of daemons to find them! Click to walk to a place or interact with a person or object. Collect items in your inventory to help you on your quest and click the arrows at the edge of the screen to move to a new screen.

Play Deamons


The Freewill Cycle Volume 1 Walkthrough. This is a point and click room escape game by William Buchanan. Find items and solve the puzzles to be able to escape the room. Check out the walkthrough of The Freewill Cycle Volume 1 below.

Play The Freewill Cycle Volume 1

The Freewill Cycle Volume 1 Walkthrough

Zoom to paper on mable table. Move papers to reveal password for computer above.
Enter password on the computer. Get bold text clues in e-mails from J. Davies.
Get excited you were the winning bidder for a Barry Manilow plasmadisc and wonder if you should ask admin to see the spam mail (just kidding).
Open door and proceed to corridor.
Go forward.
Zoom into the floor level grate on the right and get L4 KEYCARD.
Back out and turn left. Use keycard on card panel. (it will work...promise)
Enter office.
Zoom into computer on the Maple desk. Enter code and get clues from the bold text.
Go back.
Zoom into Gold storage unit to the left, click on it and note colours/numbers.
Go back.
Zoom into top of plant.
Click on it to make a key fall.
Go back.
Zoom into base of plant for KEY.
Go back.
Go right.
Zoom into filing cabinet. Open bottom drawer. Get a file and get PAPER CLIP.
Go back. Go back. Turn right. Open door and enter corridor.
Turn left, go forward, forward, forward.
Turn left and enter door. Enter the Laser Assembler room.
Turn left and get Metal DESK LEG.
Zoom into grey box and use paper clip to get VALVE WHEEL.
Back out, turn right, turn right.
Zoom into black cabinets and use key on right door to get a GLASS BEAKER.
Go back, turn right and enter corridor.
Turn left and enter the Station Reactor room.
Turn right and put the desk leg into the reactor.
Zoom into right hand of the reactor and pull handle to energise.
Go back, turn right and enter corridor.
Go forward, go forward, go forward, turn left.
Enter the Plasma Sythesizer room.
Zoom into plasma canisters and enter the code water code for each colour.
Turn right, zoom into plasma sythesizer.
Place valve wheel onto right hand spigot and push the red button to get a RED ROD.
Go back to the corridor and goto the Laser Assembler room.
Click on the black/yellow panel to enter the correct frequency.
Go back and zoom into laser assembler table.
Click handle to place on table and attach the red rod. Click the left switch to get a HEATER.
Go to the plasma synthesizer room and enter the hot water codes into the plasma canisters.
Place glass beaker under the red button, use heater on the right hand brown water pipe (helps to have sound) and push the red button to get liquid TEMPORAL ARMOR.
Go to the Station Reactor room, zoom into radio active window and use the liquidon it. It will change colour and you will drink it.
Return to the first room and enter the 'Matter' room. Click on the matter and out.

The Freewill Cycle Volume 1 Walkthrough


Being One Episode 1 - Escape the Lab Walkthrough. A new game from Psionic. You are suspended in a vat of fluid in a Science Lab, escape the vat and the lab and find out who you are and what they have done to you. A video walkthrough of Being One Episode 1 Escape available below.

Play Being One Episode 1 - Escape the Lab

Being One Episode 1 - Escape the Lab Walkthrough

Being One Episode 1 - Escape the Lab Tips/Hints/Codes
Samples Location:
Bottom drawer of computer desk
Cabinet to right of computer desk
Trash can to left of computer desk
Left corner of vat room
Bottom doors of jammed cabinet
Right of specimen 2 on floor
Left of middle shelf above sample analyzer
Cabinet just outside specimen room

Codes - 5921, 7782, 1259


Being One Episode 1 - Escape the Lab Walkthrough


Fragger Walkthrough. A new puzzle game from armorgames. Blow-up the opposition with your sweet grenade skills! Play through 30 levels of fun, physics-based, light puzzle goodness. With 3 Difficulties to beat, each with unlocking a new perk. Every higher difficulty gives you greater point rewards. Including 11 achievements to collect. And funny looking enemies! A video walkthrough, solution of Fragger available below.

Play Fragger

Fragger Walkthrough

Levels 1-15

Levels 16-20

Fragger Walkthrough


Salada Room Escape Walkthrough. A new point and click escape game from Sakura. Find items and solve puzzles to escape the room. A video walkthrough of Salada Room Escape available below.

Play Salada Room Escape

Salada Room Escape Walkthrough

Salada Room Escape Walkthrough


Six Keys Escape 2 Walkthrough. The next in the Six Keys Escape games, Six Keys Escape 2 is a point and click escape game by where you have to search for items and use them in order to escape the room. A text and video walkthrough, solution of Six Keys Escape 2 below.

Play Six Keys Escape 2

Six Keys Escape 2 Walkthrough

-zoom in on plant, first blue key on the pot.
-go right, check the right side of the pool table -> code
-go right, check the tv: pink key behind it.
-click the sofa, on the front right leg of the tool there is a grey spot -> the third key.
-go right, zoom in the cabinet -> yellow key in books.
-zoom out, check the table: the green key is in the shaddow of the teapot.
go right again and zoom on the desk. in the right you will se the plant and on the corner of the desk is the last key
-while still zoomed on the desk, click the drawer. you can type in the code there and put in the keys:
red, blue, pink,
green, gray, yellow


Six Keys Escape 2 Walkthrough

Six Keys Escape 2 Walkthrough
